Monday, August 01, 2005

When Things Go Quiet....

For the first time in the 2005 Hurricane Season we have a bit of a lull in activity. It's times like these that make you realize you really are an addict. Addiction is most recognizable when the thing you are addicted to is taken away from you. Well, when you don't have a tropical system to track, then you focus on the models and make up mythical systems that "may" form. This is what we are left with. Today I have been looking at the GFDL, GFS, and FSU MM5 models. The one that gave me the results I wanted to see was the FSU MM5 model. Above is the latest model output and it has shown quite a bit of activity. 4 storms to be exact! I don't think this result is realistic, but the system that is in the box from 20-30N / 60-70W does show some potential. Until we get a new system to track then the models is the best we can do. I'm addicted.


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